User-defined scale for Plate Strain Maxsurf Modeler
User suggestion:
When viewing a part in Plate Strain display, the scale is too high on the colour chart. I need to see the colour change at a lower value, perhaps 0.25% maximum (instead of 0.5%).
Currently, the scale limits are either +/-0.5% or +/-0.25% depending on the strains on the plate. If all the plate strains are less than 0.25% in magnitude, then the scale will be -0.25% to +0.25%; if the plate has strain magnitude > 0.25% then the scale's range will be extended appropriately, but to a maximum of +/-0.5%
this will be in the next release
Currently, the scale limits are either +/-0.5% or +/-0.25% depending on the strains on the plate. If all the plate strains are less than 0.25% in magnitude, then the scale will be -0.25% to +0.25%; if the plate has strain magnitude > 0.25% then the scale's range will be extended appropriately, but to a maximum of +/-0.5%